Please note that the automatic link detection, download of policies, and use of machine learning techniques to analyze the policies sometimes produce erroneous annotations. This remains an experimental system and we are keen to collect feedback and further improve our techniques. You may notice that our system will omit some labels rather than take a chance and have an inaccurate label. In other words, when you look at our labels, you may find that some statements made in the policy are not reflected in the labels generated by the machine learning techniques. We are aware of this, but are more interested in feedback about labels that correspond to statements that are simply not present anywhere in the text highlighted by our techniques or other similar errors (e.g. mislabeling first party collection as third party collection) made by our machine learning techniques. If you see such errors (we know there are some), please take the time to notify us by email or by using the "Feedback" button. Finally, we also realize that occasionally, the text downloaded by our system may not be a privacy policy (e.g. our system might mistakenly download Terms of Service). If you find text that is not a privacy policy, we would also appreciate if you could report it with the "Feedback" button. Thank you for your assistance!
People interested in additional details on the performance of our machine learning techniques are invited to read the following two articles:
- Towards Automatic Classification of Privacy Policy Text. Frederick Liu, Shomir Wilson, Peter Story, Sebastian Zimmeck and Norman Sadeh. Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report CMU‐ISR‐17‐118 and CMU‐LTI‐17‐010, Institute for Software Research and Language Technologies Institute, School of Computer Science, Dec 2017
- Identifying the Provision of Choices in Privacy Policy Text. Kanthashree Mysore Sathyendra, Shomir Wilson, Florian Schaub, Sebastian Zimmeck, and Norman Sadeh. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep 2017
The techniques used to generate the annotations you see are slight improvements of the techniques described in these two papers. We will continue to work on improving our techniques over time and will attempt to also use feedback you provide us.